Entertaining and sophisticated tours of the city for tourists and special occasions
Your visit to Muenster has the promise of something very special. Muenster has turned into a real magnet for tourists. The city is known as Germany’s bicycle capital. Thousands of visitors come to Muenster every year. For decades the unique atmosphere below the arcades of the Main Market known as the Prinzipalmarkt, the dramatic story of the anabaptists and the exceptional architecture of the St Paul’s Cathedral and the Erbdrostenhof have fascinated guests from many different countries.
Among others, my programme is aimed at tourist groups, school classes, company delegations from Germany and visiting partners from overseas, who are in the area, as well as participants of school and university exchanges. My guided tour will also enrich your reunion with family, friends from school, and colleagues. I would be happy to plan your special experience with Muenster with you and your friends.
Guided Tours
Guided tour: „Muenster – Your adventure“
Visit of the essential monuments in the city centre
Let’s hit the bars: „Pub Crawl Tour“
Fascinating tour through the Cow Quarter (Kuhviertel), Muenster’s dearly loved party area
Bicycle tour
Informative tour on the ring road (called Promenade) around the city centre Discovery of many fascinating monuments off the beaten track
Stag parties
One last time, let’s blow the roof! Merry party tour
Travel management with focus on Russia
Organisation of the travel programme, including hotels, visits, cultural events, restaurants, activities, transportation